Friday, February 27, 2009

Recent News

So, I mentioned in the first entry that I feel the food guide pyramid is a load of crap. It is insane how much tax money is spent on putting together the ideal diet for everyone. The problem, of course, is that we aren't all the same. A recent study came out declaring that in weight loss, calories are what matter, not the specific diet you are on... That being said, it is important to realize that every fad diet will work great for some people, and not at all for others. Atkins is fantastic if you tolerate lots of protein, metabolize fat efficiently, and don't mind being frowned at by registered dietitians. You just need to burn more calories than you eat. There is a book I've been reading called 'The Blood Type Diet', and it says that certain blood types are predisposed to function their best on certain diets. I think there is much more to it than blood types, but it still illustrates that everyone is different, and no single diet is right for all. Bottom line for weight loss... Eat lots of veggies, find food that fills you up without Texas sized portions, get off your ass and go for a walk!
On a lighter note, I prefer skiing to walking, and after skiing piles of Colorado powder today, I'm going to Crested Butte tomorrow. So think about snow, and hopefully Ullr will deliver!

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